Chicago -area Weather Resources




Buoys (air temperature and wave height information): 

45007 (off Milwaukee)

Michigan City buoy

Wilmette buoy 



Harrison Crib

Spyglass Hill


Lake Michigan Wave Forecast

Great Lakes Wave Forecast

Lake Michigan Real-Time Wave Height

Water Temperature: 

Lake Michigan Surface Temperature

Wind :

Wind Guru for Burnham Park

NOAA Station at Harrison Crib

This is a great source for trends and actual offshore wind speed, direction and temperatures.

National Weather Resources

North American Synoptic chart

In order to get a good sense of the “big” picture, you will want to to check out this north american synoptic charts showing high and low pressure systems and the fronts associated with them. Thanks NOAA.

US Wind Map

This is a beautiful graphical representation of how the wind is blowing across the U.S.

RSS food

Body Boat Blade International

One of the best paddling schools in the U.S. run by innovative BCU coach’s Shawna Franklin and Leon Somme. They also have a shop with top notch paddling gear.

Cape Falcon Kayak

Bryan Shultz writes on the intricacies of skin on frame kayak building, sustainable coastal Oregon living, and musings on his free time activities and community of friends.

Cackle TV Productions

Award winning videographer and expedition paddler Justine Curgenven writes about her projects and adventures.

Go Kayak Now

Michigan paddler and coach Keith Wikle.

Paddling Headquarters 

David Johnston of Toronto maintains this site of the latest paddling news and ephemera as well as useful resources for paddlesports instructors.

Paddle California

Coach and kayaker Bryant Burkhardt’s thoughtful blog.