
We just had the pleasure of providing a much-needed five-day stop for Sarah Outen on her human-powered circumnavigation of the globe. Sarah set out by kayak from London in March 2011. She paddled to France, bicycled across Europe and Asia, paddled to Japan, bicycled down Japan, rowed across the Pacific, kayaked along the Aleutian Islands, and is now bicycling from Alaska to Cape Cod. Then she’ll row across the Atlantic back to London. She and her bike, Hercules, were due for some maintenance and general TLC.


Hercules goes in for a little brake and bottom-bracket bearing work.

It takes a village to provide for a weary traveler, of course. Jay Jones of Copper Oven Pizza picked Sarah up in Elgin and drove her to our house, delivering Hercules on a roll-out shelf in the back of his truck. (Snow and presentation dates kept her from riding all the way here.) Jay Shefsky of WTTW produced a live segment about Sarah on Chicago Tonight.


Sarah was the only one on the set at WTTW who was in bare feet.

Bonnie Perry of All Saints Episcopal Church hosted Sarah’s presentation. Gina Kolk of Integrity Physical Therapy worked on her body–Sarah proclaimed her one of the best three physical therapists she’s ever met–and Kevin of Dan’s Bike Shop worked on Hercules.


Giving a presentation at All Saint’s.

We had the pleasure of taking her out for Indian and Vietnamese food–Saigon Sisters made the top restaurants list–making and eating waffles and bagels, paddling at the Y and being tourists together in our own city, before driving her back to Elgin to continue her journey.


Sharing a massive dosa in Chicago’s Indian neighborhood.


Making bagels.


Shooting video amid the tall buildings.


Sarah has not forgotten how to roll.

We love hosting and being hosted. There’s an implicit exchange of something far more valuable than currency: home-cooked meals and hospitality for stories and a connection to a great adventure. Everybody emerges enriched.


It was a little hard to say good-bye to Sarah. But our paths will cross again.